Thoroughly Screwed
An old, fairly simple piece I made quite a while ago. No shading, as I didn't want to ruin it.
An old, fairly simple piece I made quite a while ago. No shading, as I didn't want to ruin it.
Author | Title | Description | Date | Rank |
IcyAntoid | Tableback Riding |
Flint, riding his steed into the sunset.
6/16/09 | 0.00 |
IcyAntoid | Patriarchal Appreciation Day |
Fanart with a Father's Day theme. Done in three flavors, once again. Enjoy!
6/16/09 | 0.00 |
IcyAntoid | Carefree Jellyfish |
...That expression of his seems to communicate something other than being carefree. Good thing he can sting any predator.
Experiment of light underwater shading. Also went for a slightly more realistic look. Slightly. |
6/15/09 | 0.00 |
IcyAntoid | Pippi Keychain |
Unfortunately, it doesn't have very many uses except looking cool. But how very cool it looks, though!
6/14/09 | 0.00 |
IcyAntoid | Garbage Lady? |
Hinawa, Putrid Moldyman style.
6/13/09 | 0.00 |